Playing it safely...

Hello everyone,

Despite the challenges of everyday life, things at iconic are running smoothly. We are still following the same protocols as when we reopened in July of 2020.

  • all visits are by appointment only. this includes jewelry browsing/shopping

  • door pick-up can be arranged for aftercare, jewelry, gift cards or merch (t-shirts, stickers, etc)

  • masks covering one’s nose and mouth are required at all times

  • hand sanitizer is given to everyone upon entry and temperature is taken and logged

  • one client per room; therefore piercings on minors remain unavailable

  • no food or drink in studio (mask stays on)

  • no piercings or tattoos around the nose or mouth

We hope that each of you are taking care of yourself and each other.
Looking forward to seeing you sometime soon (just call first). :)
